Hummingbirds are fascinating birds to watch. They NEVER seem to fly with their feet out. This might leave you wondering whether do hummingbirds have feet.

And this has created a lot of controversy on humming bird feet, one of the reasons being the order of birds called ‘Apodiformes’ it came from.

Translate Apodiformes in Latin, which means “footless.” 

Aside from that, you never see it walk or hop as most birds do. However, that doesn’t mean this fascinating creature doesn’t have feet. 

But they are often overlooked due to their tiny size, quick movements, and aerial acrobatics.

Just imagine a bird without feet; how difficult life would be. 

So let’s explore the intricacies of hummingbird anatomy and the unique characteristics that make their feet extraordinary.

Do Hummingbirds Have Feet?

Credits: yhelfman/Shutterstock

Like I’ve said before, hummingbirds have legs!

 But “what type of feet do they have?” 

This is another question that stirs minds when they see a hummingbird.

Hummingbirds have unique feet adapted to their lifestyle as small, fast-flying birds.

They have tiny feet with two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward, which are called zygodactyl feet.

This set of feet lets them perch on branches and other objects securely and hover mid-air while feeding on flower nectar.

Hummingbirds also use their feet to construct their nests, as they stamp their feet and use a dancing motion to compact the materials of the nest.

Overall, hummingbird feet are perfectly designed for their specialized needs and abilities.

Another big myth to burst is:

 How Do Hummingbirds Use Their Feet?

In my research about hummingbirds, I noticed how tiny their feet are. So, the possible question that popped up was, “how do hummingbirds use their feet?”

Although hummingbird legs are not adapted for hopping or walking, the function of their feet may still raise questions. Nevertheless, hummingbirds utilize their feet in multiple ways.

The primary purpose of their feet includes perching, self-grooming, aggression, and nest construction.

1. Perching

Hummingbirds frequently change their perching locations, sometimes landing on a branch or twig every ten minutes.

Providing many perching places on shrubs and trees is essential to attract hummingbirds to your garden.

These birds prefer to land on small branches’ tips, giving them a good lookout point and insanely good eyesight.

Perching is also essential for hummingbirds’ survival at night, as they enter a state of torpor, lowering their heart and breathing rates to conserve energy.

During torpor, hummingbirds rely on their feet to grip onto branches, allowing them to stay secure without falling.

2. Scratching

Like humans, hummingbirds usually feel itching while moving from place to place, but they can relieve themselves with their feet.

To keep this problem under control, hummingbirds use their feet to scratch and remove the mites.

However, reaching the tops of their heads can be challenging for hummingbirds due to their short legs.

Nevertheless, hummingbirds can drop their wings forward, take their leg back and over their wing, and reach the top of their heads while gripping a perch with their other foot.

3. Fighting

Suppose you have hummingbird feeders in your garden; chances are high that you will eventually witness the intense aggression of male hummingbirds when it comes to defending their territory.

These resident or early-arriving hummingbirds will vigorously repel intruders who encroach upon their area, particularly guarding their food sources and potential mates.

Typically, male hummingbirds will employ their feet and beaks to deter trespassers, and it’s not uncommon for them to grab an intruder’s neck with both feet to drive them away.

These confrontations often occur mid-air, with the birds using their feet to push or seize their opponents during the fight.

4. Building Of Nests

Typically, the male birds defend their territory through fighting, whereas the female birds are responsible for constructing the nest and raising their offspring.

Once the female hummingbird commences the nest-building process, she searches for materials like grass, small twigs, and other available plant resources in the surrounding area.

She creates the nest layer by layer, using spider silk to bind the materials together.

To compress each nested layer, the female bird stamps her feet and moves, dancing to shape the materials, ensuring a full nest.

The utilization of her feet allows female hummingbirds to construct nests that are incredibly sturdy and almost indestructible, providing an ideal environment for the baby birds to grow up safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do Hummingbirds Feet Look Like?

Hummingbirds have tiny feet relative to their body size, and their feet are designed primarily for perching rather than walking or hopping.

Hummingbirds have two toes pointing forward and two pointing backward on each foot, allowing them to grasp branches and perch securely.

The toes are very flexible and can be moved independently, which helps the birds adjust their grip as needed.

Hummingbird feet are covered in tiny scales that help provide traction, and their claws are sharp and curved for gripping. The color of their feet can vary by species, but they are usually black or grayish.

Do Hummingbirds Walk?

Hummingbirds are capable of walking, but they are not very adept at it. Their feet are primarily designed for perching and grasping rather than walking or hopping.

When hummingbirds walk, they typically do so by shuffling their feet rather than taking steps like most other birds. They will use their beak to brace themselves and then move their feet a little at a time.

However, hummingbirds are much more agile and can fly in any direction, including up, down, sideways, and backward.

So while they are not great at walking, they more than makeup for it with their incredible flying abilities.

Do Hummingbirds Walk On The Ground?

Yes! Hummingbirds can walk on the ground but are not well-adapted for terrestrial movement.

They are primarily adapted for flight, with wings that enable them to hover and maneuver in midair with incredible speed.

When hummingbirds walk on the ground, they shuffle rather than take strides like other birds. They will use their wings for balance and may use their beaks to brace themselves as they move along.

However, they generally spend little time on the ground, as they are vulnerable to predators in this environment.

Additionally, Hummingbirds prefer to perch on branches or other structures where they can rest and conserve energy between feeding and flying.

They are typically found in wooded or forested areas with plenty of flowers or other nectar sources to feed on.

Do Hummingbirds Ever Stop Flying?

Due to their high speed and agility, many wonder if these creatures will ever stop flying. Well, it shouldn’t amaze you to hear that hummingbird stop flying.

Just like every other bird, they stop flying, but they do so only briefly for rest and sleep.

They are incredibly active birds that require a lot of energy to fly and maintain their high metabolism.

They can fly at high speeds and even hover mid-air to feed on nectar.

However, hummingbirds cannot sustain flight indefinitely. So, they need to rest periodically to conserve energy and replenish their energy stores.

So while hummingbirds are known for their incredible flying abilities, they must take breaks from flying to rest and sleep, just like any other animal.


In summary, Hummingbirds have feet, although they are small and delicate compared to their body size. These feet are essential for perching, walking, and even scratching themselves.

Despite their tiny size, hummingbirds’ feet are well-adapted to their unique lifestyles as nectar-feeding birds.

Suppose you are interested in observing hummingbirds in the wild or your backyard. In that case, providing a habitat that meets their needs is vital, including nectar-rich flowers, perching sites, and freshwater sources.

By creating a welcoming environment for these beautiful birds, you can enjoy their fascinating behaviors and help support their survival in the face of threats.

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