Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take moments and make them perfect

Roy T. Bennett

There is no “best time to remodel a kitchen” —if I’m being completely honest.

If you have the budget, time to spare, and everything mapped out, why put it off any longer?

 You can immediately proceed with the renovation.

However, there are optimal timings that put you in a better position for success, like renovation during the Spring season when the weather works in your favor the most.

Paints are more likely to dry ideally, since the weather is mild, and it allows for open windows and fresh air circulation.

Personal Schedule and Budget Constraints are also among a bunch of other things to put into perspective.

So while there are no best times to remodel your kitchen there are favorable times you would have rather loved to do the project.

Let’s discuss it all below:

What Is The Best Time To Remodel Kitchen?

1. Spring & Summer Season—The Weather Tends To Work In Your Favor

Most homeowners and contractors prefer to take up most of their renovation projects during this time of the season.  

The weather is pleasant and the temperatures are a lot easier to work with. Nobody wants to be freezing or sweating excessively while working for an extended period —besides, the kitchen must have to be ready before the holiday parties.

However, these are peak seasons for handymen and would charge a premium for their expertise. Plus, it may result in longer wait times since they usually have a lot of jobs on their hands.

Fall and winter can be charming seasons, but they might not be the ideal time for a kitchen renovation.

You have limited daylight and colder temperatures to work with.

Aside from that, it will be a holiday season chaos. Contractors are usually taking their time off work and are scarce during the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.

2. Personal Schedule —What Time And Date Will You Be Chanced?

The kitchen is the heart of the home so renovations can disrupt meal preparation and family gatherings, which are especially important during holidays.

Sometimes, juggling your work schedule and that of your family can lead to scheduling conflicts and further delays on the project.

You have to check what month, week, day, or time would be most convenient for you.

3. Budget Constraints —How Loud Does Your Pocket Speak?

If you are on a budget and the need for a revamping of your kitchen seems urgent, you should REALLY ponder over it.

It is the right decision to make, at this time? Is rejuvenating the kitchen a top priority?

If you don’t have the resources and manpower to see through the project, the last thing you want is to start and finish halfway.

Wait until you are fully prepared both financially and physically before embarking on this project.

In Off-peak seasons like winter, when might contractors and suppliers don’t have many gigs, they might offer discounts on their services.

However, the goal is to plan and save up for unexpected expenses to avoid budget overruns.

How Much Will It Cost To Remodel A Kitchen?

Well, it depends on the type of remodeling you are talking about.

Kitchen remodeling is an ambiguous phrase. Yes, it is the process of renovating and updating your kitchen space to improve its functionality, aesthetics, or both.  But it ranges from small cosmetic changes to a complete overhaul.

The National Average Range according to various sources like HomeAdvisor, Angi, and Forbes, a kitchen remodel in the United States can cost anywhere from  $12,000 to $60,500.

Here is the project scope:

  • Minor Remodel (cosmetic changes): $10,000 – $20,000
  • Mid-Range Remodel (new cabinets, appliances): $22,000 – $46,000
  • Major Remodel (changing layout, moving plumbing): $30,000+ (can reach six figures)

Also Read: Why You Need Ceiling Fan In Kitchen

Diy Or Hire Professionals, Which Is Better?

As a handyman myself, I’d relish the opportunity to do it on my own —so long as I know exactly how to go about the job and have all the necessary tools at my disposal.

Not only will it save me the cost of hiring a professional contractor but also boost my morale of accomplishing yet another handy project all by myself.

But if you lack the expertise and experience, hiring a handyman would be the wise decision.

While it might cost you a small fortune, it will also save you from the hassle and rookie mistakes that come with doing it yourself.

It is a win-win. It all comes down to your skill level, budget, and whether you actually have the time for the project.

 Final Thoughts

Take my advice with a grain of salt!

Yes, I said that!

The best time to remodel your Kitchen is the time that works for you best.

While spring and summer look promising, your nature of work or budget might not permit it at that particular period.

Sometimes, the demand for remodeling is so urgent it can’t wait. Maybe it was a fire outbreak that got away with most parts of the kitchen, and that needs to be addressed immediately.

The point is: the timing of your Kitchen remodel lies on the urgency of the project, your budget, the season, and the availability of workers if you can’t do it yourself.

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